The PLZ-Mielec M-15 Belphegor

By Gamer224
10/17/2010 - 21:34:17
Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: 2.14 (Good)
Tags: dh106contest, gamer224., wierd
Crew: 1-2
Powerplant: 9ne 14.7KN 3306 LB Thrust
Max Speed:180 KM/H (97MPH)
"This is just plain wierd!" For DH106's Contest
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By DH106
DH106s evaluation results: Creativity 6; construction quality 5; aesthetics 5; description 4; inherent dangerousness 5. Total 25/50.
By ShowerDough
Lol I like your hull art there...
By DH106
The basis M-15 is plainly visible and the selection of a turboprop for an air race instead of a jet indeed makes sense. Added to the contest.