Deimos UC-6 IFV
Not rated

By Joeycool
10/14/2010 - 07:47:17
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)
Tags: futuristic, ifv, joeycool, panzer, schützenpanzer, sci fi, tank, transport
- I don't have time to play Spore more often... :( - Description: This small and maneuverable Infantry Fighting Vehicle is primarily designed for urban combat or small amphibious assaults. It has a capacity of up to ten fully armed soldiers, who enter the vehicle through two ramps in the back. The Deimos is armed with one light AG-50 Revolver Cannon for fighting infantry or close fire support.
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By NoName01
Cool vehicle! I wish there were some more adventures, where I can see them.
By roman11773
Nice, Looks like a mix of Star Wars and Mass Effect. Two series that i love.
By felinski
Wow awesome
By hendrixWinter
By DH106
Geht mir im Moment auch so - es braucht zwischen 10 und 20 Versuchen, dann klappt der Login bei mir. Scheint mal wieder am Server zu liegen.
By luckyburdock
Great work on this, I love the shape work, turret, turning pose and it's great personality. It's ggoing in my AFV Picks SC.
By Zyntherius
reminds me on the tank in Mass Effect, cool creation! R^