Toon Club-INFO
Not rated


By Dinozilla2000
10/10/2010 - 04:10:04

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, tc, tc coin, these pts are in order of difficulty, toon club


Okay, to even things out, I've got more rules. To help in contests, I've made a rating system. Unless the contest calls for something specific these are how pts will be layed out, spaceships-1pt, creatures-2pts, Funny Building-3pts, Adventure-4pts.


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By thegrax

you didnt really think through of whats harder and whats not for other people

By Sonic103

i think ill start this

By UnitX19

over from scrap on EVERYTHING I was working on :S

By UnitX19

Spore wasnt the cuase of the virus; Surfing the web and a random pop-up advertisement flying across the screen when I was about to click something did... But the problem was resolved, but at a cost: I lost all my offline creations, meaning I have to start

By johnthedragon

im more used to making evil creature or recreating HTTYD dragons so i am not that good at toon creatures

By johnthedragon

I might want to join the toon club.....ill make a toon eastern dragon and see how i do before i decide.

By johnthedragon

Only some of the dragons not all of them. (i just wanted to try out that meteor-kills-creature thing :P)

By Phenotypical_1

I have this thing where I have to have an even number of steps on any given tile. It's almost stupid >_l

By Sonic103

wait and so the person with the most points wins the contest?

By thegrax

i dont understand one thing ...

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