Environments - Elithian Volcano
Not rated

By Aegonian
10/09/2010 - 19:53:19

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: thea, volcano


The Gar-Vulcus is the only volcano on Elithia that is large enough to be entered. It is an incredibly hot and often dark place, and it features many exclusive animals such as the Gravoron, the Bosne and the Dormin.



By Fanfrit

Dude this map is AWESOME! you are a great enviorement maker! Sorry that I couldn't rate it up, I logged off automaticly for some reason.

By cottonmouth25

If you don't mind, I wish to use this for an adventure. Please?

By Jmann98

Hey Aegonian, where is the mountain habitat? It looked really awesome on the forum. Can you please upload it?

By zaky9

awesome! just wish i could see easier >.>

By Redland

Very nice and very creepy with the atmosphere.

By blazer1900



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