Mystery Teaser
Not rated

By Ryuujin
09/22/2010 - 23:18:23

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


With "real life" sorted for the moment and the sequel to WGD back on track I figured it'd be amusing to see if anyone can figure out what this overengineered bit of hardware is and what nerfarious role it may have in the upcoming adventure :3


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By liamlego98

Three years ago, Spore was in harmony and there was this awesome creator, Ryuujin. but when the world needed him most... He vanished...

By Ryuujin

Random teaser: A size comparrison of the races in the setting, some might suprise you =p (human provided by Tian) http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3260/photoshoot.jpg

By Rontti970

So you're from spain but you're studying in england? Anyway not asking more RL questions from you.

By Micronuerosis

Hey, just figure out life first then video games.

By Ryuujin

lcontinued> Basiclly I have to keep moving rooms, getting called away to help rearrange furniture, visit relatives and try fit my university stuff between it, while living out a bag at my grans house

By Ryuujin

I'd like to say "less than a week" but things are pretty disordered right now in real life and it's hard to know when I can work on stuff.

By KonguZya

Just wondering, how long will this 'polishing' take? I understand that you don't want to release it until you're sure it's finished, but I'm dying of waiting:(

By Ryuujin

It's also looking quite pretty... http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/766/spore20101003025138.jpg

By Ryuujin

Today's update: Adventure is basiclly playable now with few placeholders in place, need to add extra polish and a few bits and pieces. Even with a glide pack and knowledge it takes over 10 minutes to finish >.l

By Crazyone222

Maybe some sort of scanner to identify or collect info about whatever creature stands under its light? Gosh, I'm pretty excited about the new adventure. WGD was the best one I've ever played. Cheers. :)

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