Chili Cheese Dog

By MinaMongoose
09/22/2010 - 03:16:31
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 3.21 (Good)
Tags: cheese, chili, coney, hodog, island, made by minamongoose, minamongoose
A chili cheese dog from New York, straight from Coney Island! Made for Drew980's Create-off! =D
Contact us at

By 53pokemon123
Oh this thing looks like it has swine flu on it. Random person:SWINE FLU?!?! AAAAAHH *runs away*. XD good job
By pikmonster
0 out of 10 dentists allow you to eat this! ITS SOLID CEMENT! Lol!!
By Duhplantman
It has the right colors and shapes...now I'm hungry...
By CloudyVision
Looks absolutely like, ummm..... not delicious but...... concrete! Just kidding. R+
By Jaguar5o5
Wow... I've never seen anything quite like this! Didn't even realize it was a building until I looked in the viewer.
By Reyes1
ohhhhhhh... It has been soo long since I've had a chili cheese dog....years..... I need one now R+
By Dnadia
lol nice!!! R+
By tathagata71
OH man I'm starting to drool.Mmmmmm!