Thank YOU
Not rated

By Yomigami
09/21/2010 - 21:37:29

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: thank you!!!


Thank you cyrilrock101!!! Why make this for me?


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By PokemonMaster101

She made me an Espeon. :)

By cyrilrock101

i'm gonna work on it right now

By Dragon_minder

Wow thats cool

By cyrilrock101

for the phisical

By cyrilrock101

it when you go to the docter and you get your hearing,sight and something blood checked

By Pokochan98

Haha, that's how you go on spore.com! You should try it! You can rate up and rate down on there! I don't like the rate down button. :(

By cyrilrock101

k bye

By cyrilrock101

i like making chibis

By cyrilrock101

idk i just felt like it XD

By flamestar

When you click on the creation, there should be two boxes below the picture of the creature that say "description" and "tags". Then you click inside the "description" box to type.

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