Subscriber FYI
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Just giving you all a heads up about something that may happen. My aunt(technically my dad's aunt.) has been hospitalized with a broken shoulder, normally, thins wouldnt be a problem, but since she's 90+ years old, she isnt recovering too well and it looks like the old bag'll kick the bucket any day now. So if you notice i'm offline for an extended period of time, it's probably 'cause ive been dragged all the way to Massachusetts for a funeral. On a side note, this event has been a great test for my ability to suppress my emotions. I'm far better at it than i thought, and as a result, i've made a good chunk of my family mad at me. -_-
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By Lord_Lachie
Great ship, but what's with the star? Whats it mean?
By Lestrange
I am another Atheist.
By thegrax
lol i rembember one time my greatgrandpa dided and while everybody was getting there chance to say some words i walked up and seated myself on the coffin to play video games.
By Dirtymeat
Thanks church! (whats with all the downrates on your stuff?..will help with some votes.)
By WideWonder
@"I Miss Mushroomking": Hello church1 -- I am writing to say I'm sorry for going so ballistic. I'm sorry for speaking to you so angrily, so harshly. Looking back, I now see that you DID express concern about Mushroomking's wellbeing. Thank you for that!!!
By gabbycat17
Awwwwwww... :'(
By johnthedragon
If we where to eleminate our emotions we might destroy more then disired and trust me you cannot hold emotions back forever...only temporarily your emotions will show evenually.
By church1
@john: also, my emotions are not destroyed, just hidden. The only way to destroy emotions is to become digital entities.
By church1
@john: Not necessarily, our brains are hard-wired against killing ourselves in that manner. sure we have war, but we've never come even close to wiping ourselves out.
Our brains evolved to make such a decision impossible.
By johnthedragon
Also if we had no emotions we would be killing our own species left and right making it extremely hard to survive
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