Serpent Template
Not rated
By pwurman
09/18/2010 - 16:00:18
Type: Template adventure
Rating: 1.08 (Not rated)
Tags: city, cool, pwurman, redock98, serpent, template, underwater
A template of a small serpent city. Enjoy!
At the request of redock98.
Sorry it took so long... :(
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By EAtestuser
Play my level Underwater Adventure, made off of this template!
By Davidcreator
By tonedragon
VERY VERY cool! i would like to know how to use clothing parts like that
By Leviathanman21
How many people actually make playable adventures with these?
By melter6010
It was a Neat theme to be honest i don't thin any adventure themes i come up with will match this(and i never wrote ANY hate comments this is my first)
By Thoarn
wow that is a lot of plays!!!
By Thoarn
I heard from p9iko0 that treverbyn might make a new account because of all the hate comments he got for not being there! so if you said anything can you please say sorry. no one wants him to go!!!
By sadsack63
I wish I could make a race adventure wish this theme. I have such a great idea.
By Draker11
you dont have to but, is it possible for you to make a small vally community? like a hi-tech one tho. like, from the sky u can see wide open spaces of farmland, but then u see space ships flying around o_e
By AquaBurger
Cool! Nice Picture
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