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By Kaleon
09/10/2010 - 18:37:36
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: cruiser, crusader, heavy, kaleon, kamorra, mass inversion coil
The 88-TL4 "Crusader" heavy cruiser was designed to replace the ubiquitous Balrog class. It is both faster and better-armored, and features an improved mass inversion coil that can repel up to 40,000 tons of force.
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By Suska
The crew is in zero g? How big is this?
By Atoombom007
You don't need a description to know this is a very amazing ship! Well done! :D
By FuzzyWuzzyBunny
Nice job! It would be nice if you added a cockpit and thrusters tho.
By Zacbrain
It's Amazing! Great ship design
By binkiedontaskwhy
your stuff is too awesome for me to comment on it all, so ill just say here your stuff is the best stuff i have ever seen on spore.
By Alboreto
Great cruiser! Reminds me of the Normandy from Mass Effect. Great detailing ;)
By peter443
Nice. Very good design.
By Partilsim
Wow !!!! Amazing !!! R+++
By Ooglioknacktid
Awesome details. The paint job is excellent.
By 63hunter63
Are they good, Bad, Neutral?
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