Monster Hunter Jhen Mohran
Not rated

By bluebluejay1
08/31/2010 - 21:58:07

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: bluebluejay1, boss, dragon, huge, hunter, jhen mohran, monster, sand, template used, tri, whale


Used the giant creature template, can you slay Jhen Mohran before it reaches Loc lac City.



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By bluebluejay1

yeah i noticed theres been some glitches, i kinda rushed this version but i plan on redoing it with a more detailed ship and fix the glitches

By Colian

The Jhen Mohran doesnt kill the boat each time...

By Finlay7899

Great version of this online mission pliz subscribe to me

By onthegoldfish

just like the one in monster hunter tri=)

By bluebluejay1

I don't know why you guys are having trouble with this misson working, it works everytime I play it.

By slobberpus

well do it why dont you do it see my movie

By Skybombe

wow it is very giant

By thatdino

If Only I Had Creepy And Cute.

By bluebluejay1

Also when you are on the boat, you don't have to move because it runs into a teleporter.

By bluebluejay1

@ MileHighGuy @ did it happen everytime?

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