Join the AoE

By 96joe123
08/31/2010 - 18:57:22

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: 96joe123, aoe, gaprop, please-r+-2-show-support


The Alliance of Elements.Join us now at http://aoespore.forums-free.info/forums.htm. Or go on the Spore forums and look us up! There we can show off our element based creations.


By Whtmnsghst

cool idea, nice pic. good luck with the AoE. Thanks for the recent comments. the ATAT i saw on a shirt. thought, "perfect".

By MoxinRift

Might join you guys. :) have a feeling my new adventure will be just the kinda' stuff to use in this group. :P

By Arkanay

Nice creation here. Good job capturing the 4 elements.

By Mairesu

:D (ll--- the smiley says everything ^^))

By zardgex


By zardgex

Why cant I uprate it? =/

By Michael042296

great add awesome work


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