m-101 SB
Not rated
By Carnivorus
08/27/2010 - 17:03:16
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.22 (Not rated)
Tags: hilight, m5000, snsvcc810
The m-101 Stealth Bomber sneaks up on enemy troops where it chooses between using its bombs or its twinlinked Gatling Guns which shoots 45mm explosive shells.
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By Serevanth
Great paint work, I love the gold windows
By Hilight
good looking ship R+! nice shape to this
By sonikku69
I have selected you to participate in a contest to make the best human,monster or undead creation to serve as a new character in my comic if you want to participate please have any creation tagged as SLAYERalso let me know when finishedwell I do ha