Halfway to Heaven
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By Andeavor
08/22/2010 - 14:16:14
Type: House building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
A luxury apartment building for those who can't wait to get to heaven.
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By Andeavor
08/22/2010 - 14:16:14
Type: House building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
A luxury apartment building for those who can't wait to get to heaven.
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By luluthedog
Or get defnestrated(tossed out an window) on the top floor.
By luluthedog
Wanna get to heaven faster?Step1:Do a lot of good deeds and very little sins.Step2:Rent a night.Step3:Try to prove the glass as unbreakable and fall to your death.
By psherman
From the looking down on it from the top it resembles the Eiffel Tower. Great job!
By Southstreet
You want to get to heaven faster? Try jumping off of the top of that. :) Love the glass part of the structure, and how the windows fit the top part. R+
By adz29
Just before i die i`ll go there.
By krikalegos
Cool creation! R+
By krikalegos
That sorta sounds like they get killed in the apartment.
By 69Killer2000
can i spend every night here i will pay $787 a night
By Imajiine
Very good building! Love the whole Heaven concept.
By z_rollercoast_z
Cool! Reminds me of how thousands of years ago people once tried to build a monument higher than heaven so God punished them by causing them to speak in all kinds of different languages so they couldn't communicate and pass orders.
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