Black Hole
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By ShadowRaptor101
08/21/2010 - 00:07:05
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: black, hole, shadowraptor101
I was watchin' some show last night and it said something about black holes not actually being black, but actually shine with a very faint rim of light because of ani-matter that fails to collide with matter as it falls into the Black hole.
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By NataliaRox
i know all about black holes
By Dilin
Rico nice i knew a TON about black holes but not that!
By rico1201
...blackhole becuz after BILLIONZ of years, blackholes get smaller and cough up what they sucked in in particles that are almost impossible to reform. pretty neat huh? xD
By rico1201
did u know tht its actually impossible to see a blackhole becuz it sucks in light faster than it can shine.... the only way u can see it is if there is dust orbitting it form a distance to where its not sucked in. And technically you can escape from a...
By boogleyoogley
wait what? XD
By XLFries
By Albin12345
is it in the good tem.I hope so.
By Caveymixel
also I think they can be located by x-rays being created from them
By rico1201
hey! i saw tht on the science channel too :P
By Betterthanyou
Don't you dare release a PE:SOAH till my spore works :P
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