Filip And Lucas
Not rated
By embercoral
08/20/2010 - 15:28:20
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: avatar, name, random
These are Roman's younger brothers. He also has two older brothers named Anton and Pavel, but I've never met them, so I don't know what they look like. They're all right, as brothers go. They do seem to get in the way sometimes, I'll admit that.
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By WideWonder
I am tripped out over the pairs of people you're making... OUTSTANDING!! Thank you for the compliment, Buddy!
By Shelby2002
hi im no sick but a little sick...shelby2002
By LightningTheif21
Ah, I tried everything, nothing works... Oh well maybe people will know what I'm trying to do...
By LightningTheif21
:O .... uhh... hmm... I'll try changing it...
By tomographics
Your getting really good at creation peoples faces! Great glasses. R+
By LightningTheif21
By magic worlds
but um if you watch day 474 about almost the end it is SO cute, well to me and a few other people at lease.
By magic worlds
um, he proposed to her in spain last october, so no he didn't that would be weird if he did, and they didnt get married in vegas either. but, i'm working on it right now, you could try to make them if you had the time? or even marley and zoey (their dogs)
By magic worlds
awesome, your pretty talentied at making people. hey do you still watch CTFxC?
By Tombstn
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