Ishtar Gate
Not rated

By Vilageidiotx
08/16/2010 - 02:30:04

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.25 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, babylon, gate, ishtar, monument, vilageidiotx, wonder


In the late hours of Christmas 2008, I was on my laptop riding home from a family christmas party. In my boredom, I made the Ishtar Gate in spore. At that moment I realized how few historical creations existed at the time, so I decided I would focus on those as well as create a sporecast to collect them. All of the monuments, the historical missions, and the sporecasts came from that one creation. Over the next year and a half I had the privilege of a comfortable position in the Spore community, meeting some amazing creators. It seems those days are coming to an end, and I have lost the creative inspiration I once had. The community has dwindled, and many great creators have moved on. So now I retire from creating. I thank all of my subscribers and the many great creators out there who have supported me. I will still, however, remain on the sporums until they die. Goodbye.


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By Stunghud

Ive included this in my sporecast "Real" Buildings a up rated it.

By 98B-Man

Spore has no use anymore without you. :'(

By QueenBeth

Cool creation BTW!

By QueenBeth

No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Please don't go!

By Sethan777

Looks great! Very sumerian. Well done again. R+

By TarsTarkas

Spore is the worse for not having you around. Glad you're still creating in a limited capacity.

By MasterHippo

I'm leaving too. It was nice to see your adventures while the were.

By Vultrio

Greetings, for it is I Vultrio, The Aven Hombre. I'm for a few days to say hi before returning to my holiday from Spore.

By Vultrio

You will be missed, incredible fortress here as well :)

By Pal101

Another quick question. Since you seem to like history, do you play the Total War games? I might want to add you on that.

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