By Joeycool
08/11/2010 - 19:25:02
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)
Tags: cute, droid, droide, flatbed, gundam, joeycool, mech, mecha, quadruped, robot, roboter, transport
- I drew a few concepts of such a robot some weeks ago. I wanted to make the loading platform much flatter, but it wasn't possible. .___. But its face is even cute than I hoped. :D - Description: Even most advanced races need vehicles for transporting goods and construction material. This automated Mecha Flatbed is capable to transport any material because its integrated anti-repulsor net inside of the loading platform adducts even materials like mercury or sand to transport them safe to their destination point. This robot's legs are also equipped with wheels to make it able to move much faster in flat or urban environments like streets than it would be possible with walking. To prevent damage to the robot, the transported materials or workers, a powerful sonar sensor phalanx monitors the surrounding area. To interact with other machines or lifeforms, the robot's head contains a powerful computer brain, a synthesizer (which creates sounds similar to a modem) and two photoreceptors to identify emotions.
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By elukka67
Everyone says "cool"... ...I just say CUTE! Guite good and functional idea! The cuteness and the thicness of the platform however makes it look small...
By Baley94
Cool! I don'T know why, but I can't see a lot of your creations in the game so I just regnozied it now
By Ivonne
Voll cool. :-)
By luckyburdock
Very unique and very cool.
By felinski
WOW! Awesome Joye!
By Cyberwolf14
Hey, Joey. I noticed you don't have the bot parts. If you'ld like I could give you a site where you could get the parts w/out the purchase of a D.Pepper.
By shane1993
;o; I want one.... Great all-around, really creative :P
By thegreatcreator9
awwwwww its robo baby turtle
By Kevin92
lol! geniale arbeit ;)
By Daxin19
Just like from the movie? Thanks! Hey, nice mechs
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