Not rated

By Ryuujin
08/10/2010 - 23:14:10

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: avali, capital ship, elegant, futuristic, sci-fi, weeaboo


Could it be Ryuujin has returned? (albeit ever so briefly), and is planning a sequel to Whom Gods Destroy? - Watch this space... Awesome spaceship unrelated.


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By CrystalwoIf

I still say this may be the most awesome sporeship of all time.

By Jmann98

That's an awesome ship!:) r

By Hydro_Glyph

beauty of a ship, sweet design..

By Ryuujin

Sorry about things going a little quiet. IRL stuff came up and bit me on the ass. Sequel back on track now =3http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1002/wgd2.jpg

By Vultrio

Now that is one incredible spaceship, the design is completely perfect xD

By Furby98

You mean an actual SEQUEL to Whom Gods Destroy??... HOLY profound insight into the nature of insanity thickly dripping with great creative talent and overall AWESOME!!!! But seriously, that's great, that adventure deserves a sequel! ;)

By Knosos

Absolutely Beautiful, Creative and Inspiring

By Ilune

The Iubati so deserve a shoot'em up with a ship like this. Nice Post

By Scorpio314

@Ryuujin: Bring it on! Even if the adventure's going to be cruel, I'm still can't wait for it to come out! I suppose that this is something like Portal 2 or Starcraft 2 in terms of anticipation.

By sharkraptor

this looks SO awesome. great work!

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