Cluster Zero-Point Imploder

By church1
07/30/2010 - 01:34:09

Type: Factory building
Rating: 5 (Good)


These power generators create enourmous amounts of energy by foucsing lasers on a single point of space and collapsing it into a singularity, generating enourmous amounts of light that is captured by solar panels on the laser units.


By lemonsocksbob

wow, pretty darn awesome, cool floating parts :D

By Reyes1

lasers being pointed at a single point....... not to far from the truth. if you've heard of the star creator they have almost finished, it will either create unlimited power.....or kill us all

By tomographics

Cool! Such a great looking generator! R+ Thanks for your comment!

By smashn

WOw an amazing set! great work!R+


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