Clark and Stanley- The Turtle
Not rated
By Motorhead97
07/29/2010 - 01:18:45
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: a, chase, chase a turtle, clark, clark a stanley, clark and stanley, dream, explosion, series, stanley, stanley a clark, stanley and clark, turtle
A Clark and Stanley spin-off of my first Dream Series Adventure.
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By Aerok
Woah whats with the bad ratings?
By Motorhead97
I made it a test of patience for the turtle, so no, that would ruin the fun.
By Motorhead97
I made it so it would be like a real turtle- Going all over the place if someone is chasing it.
By runest234
Edit it so the turtle run is shorter. boring. and have the turtle go in a streight line
Oh crap, this got downrated, dude!