Pic- cresent fleet joins the war
Not rated

By bugwe
07/27/2010 - 15:47:13
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -0.41 (Not rated)
Tags: bugwe, noname117, planet, reinforcing, war
I assume that Noname117's fleet would have landed to pick up prisioners and what is left of the explosion, once they landed, the cresent fleet moved in to see who had destroyed the pesky base.

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By 30dragon5
We need to find out what Alex is doing under that big metal shield. Let's try to get some spys down to the shield and see it we can pick up any transmissions.
By 30dragon5
Does this mean you've joined Me and Noname117's alliance?
By Alex27123344
shoot.. but hey, you're going to need to use your own creations please
By noname117
so your on my side? and the base would have been totally obliterated anyways