By Blackyan07/27/2010 - 05:21:23
Type: SpaceshipRating: -1 (Not rated)
My chao Herwolf :).(Herwolf was the name of my first chao.)
By RobbiePhoebe and what do you mean its summer where you live. where exactly do you live i live in california U.S.A
By RobbiePhoebe yes its summer and its usually around 115 F here. the creation is just a ga prop
By RobbiePhoebe yep i have 1600 and i deleted about 400 of my noob creations including ghosty
By RobbiePhoebe your what? what the heck is a chao
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By RobbiePhoebe
and what do you mean its summer where you live. where exactly do you live i live in california U.S.A
By RobbiePhoebe
yes its summer and its usually around 115 F here. the creation is just a ga prop
By RobbiePhoebe
yep i have 1600 and i deleted about 400 of my noob creations including ghosty
By RobbiePhoebe
your what? what the heck is a chao