
By Parkaboy
07/26/2010 - 20:12:24

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 2.31 (Good)
Tags: gravitonga, parkaboy, pinball, slide, sport, turingan


The Turingan empire devised their own sport, and they think it could rival Gravitonga! in popularity around the galaxy. Now they're back for another round of beta-testing, and they assure that no life-threatening malfunctions will happen this time!



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By MissGrimReaper

Great one i really enjoyed! Could you try out mine newest adv. "Golden Help" worked on it 3 days ^^

By BanjoKazooie23

Why are there two of these ?

By LooneyTune10

You could make a tunnel of anti gravity and use jump pads to give them a boost threw a trwisting tunnel of anti gravity.

By blixafish

Parkaboy, you should make a Sporecast for Gravitonga and it's spinoffs! Maybe you could even put in gravitonga spinoffs made by other creators...? I don't know, jsut making a suggestions. ;D

By LeonTheCreator

i kept getting stuck rubbish

By Binlaggin

WOW SO FUN!!! Other then the 99.9% of the time you get stuck....thumbs down.

By SarutysAlpha

Fun...Now I have slight motion sickness.

By Davidcreator


By towermice

gratz universe

By universumshadic

second place for me!

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