Noctis Tower
Not rated
By Parkaboy
07/25/2010 - 12:24:45
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 1.73 (Not rated)
Tags: parkaboy, set:noctis
I'm updating the set of an old in-game creature. I lost some of my saved games when I had to fix my PC a few months ago, and I'm slowly starting them again.
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By Diego106
How come you don't have the problem where your computer goes offline when playing main spore.
By onacondafarr
You could add remypas to your blog! He make great adventures:)
By Ossren
By cosmicbeing12
@parkaboy:hey mind if i modify this set i will give u credit
By Andeavor
@maxilos23: I've been asked months ago but still haven't accepted. D:
By maxilos23
I see you've been adding a lot of new creators to your blog. You might want to ask Andeavor or danandanna. Just a suggestion.
By jbman
Wow, great use of that part (I can't remember the name but its the one you used to make the window liek things.) That was a great idea!
By jbman
Wow, great use of that part (I can'
By Jwoot
Kinda looks like a Tesla coil...
By Blackpanfa
I love the silos at the sides
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