SNS Crestice
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By Rebecca1208
07/23/2010 - 21:05:01
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: rebecca1208, sns
My first SNS design.Gawd, I suck at spaceships so much D: but hey. I need the practise........... Oh god, the PNG looks even worse D:
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By FetGreenlight
It looks great! You don't suck at spaceships at all!
By TMAN425
Umm, this is better than what I could do in a month non-stop
By Yalcania
The spaceship's design is flawless, especially the weapon! I suggest you work on your painting abilities, because the paint does suck, unfortunately...
By HellinDrox
That is Bull**** your Way better than me at stuff (in a good way)
By darkbolt8876
you suck? Bull, your better than me.
By Hilight
There is something for you over on my page. Look for "SNS Dima White Tiger"
By darkbolt8876
Really good...
By Blobb1
amazing for a first!
By avaslash
wow rebecca, its good to see that you are in this guild too, and dont worry, my space ships sucked really bad at first, and wow, this creation has more comments than i could hope to ever get on any of mine, your good creations must have like infinate!!!
By Zorgon28
oops sry for seprate comments
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