Black Wall
Not rated
By Icedmask
07/21/2010 - 17:00:31
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, icedmask continues to share props what does this mean?
Just an enormous black wall, nothing special..
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By rokgol12
So... It is for adventures, like, when you want to create a "spaceship" corridors, but actually build it on the ground, and don't want people to look outside because the illusion of spaceship will be gone and ruined, so you place some of this and suddenly
By mecforce1
Thanx for letting me know about "Lost" I was at my wits end with it but I so want to finnish it :D
By PokemonGirlClub
@SeaHound: "XD Ah, so true, so true. I feel bad for the little troll thats doign this. he only wishes he was as awesome as Iced."
By SeaHound
This must have been too complicated for someone. That's why it's red now.
By EJGunn
1. wow blaaaaaaaccckkk i love it 2. this would be perfect for a daytime theme don't you think so?
By MegaRig
If you like IE, you might appreciate my newest album cover art thing...please check it out :)
By mecforce1
I have to go through and uprate you, I hate seeing those orange and red faces
By Pie4Pigs
I abosluely LOATH this mass-downrater! It's inhumane! I'm gonna R+ all your downrated creations and get you out of this mess! R+!
By cwarloe
if only it wasn't the floor...
By SeaHound
Oh this is simply fantastic! The beauty! The simplicity! The simplistic beauty! The... What is it again? Ah yes, a wall. Wonderful! Bravo! Bravo Combo!
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