Varaxian Hellkite
Very good!

By Graxiplon
07/10/2010 - 11:50:55

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 17.5 (Very good!)


Varaxian Hellkites are long range bombers, with limited warp capability. One lodestar can carry a large enough wing of these to devastate small worlds, and they can be incredibly deadly to capital class vessels when outfitted with AMGMs (anti-matter guided missiles). The Hellkite represents the culmination of Human/Varaxian technological cooperation and is expected to prove an invaluable asset against any and all foes of the fledgling Unified Galactic Alliance. It's been a while since I added anything to the LT sporecast, so here you go.


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By Blorcs

perfect on every aspect!

By BlueDragonic

Wow, what an amazing ship this is. Everything fits perfectly and the colours and the weapons are really wicked. I have much to learn before I can make such master work. Great work, your whole set is amazing.

By Halifax62

great creation Graxi ! I love the shape dans je paint job. R+

By LuiBei1994


By Ecko09

Awesome ship man ! Oustanding Color !

By Woodys

niceeee omg omggg tis is the best ship wich i ever saw!! realy kool

By MachinaMortalis

Wow, just wow... you've fit all the parts together so seamlessly. this pretty amazing. I love the width of the ship.

By antipyrene

Excellent color, spectacular shape and detailing

By Hatred89

Very intresting desing mate! I loooove the center peice of this ship. its so elegant!

By Jomeaga

R+ Buddy

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