Rexitarion Battlecruiser

By hawkman226
06/27/2010 - 10:25:43

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: hawkman226, rexitarion


A fearsome appontent, these battlecruisers came armed to the teeth with all sorts of weapons, including black market antimatter torpedoes.


By Ivonne

Please subscribe to my Under-Construction-Contest (UCC) Sporecast.

By Ivonne

"Some of you may know it already. Masterpiece and Ivonne made an construction site vehicle contest. Please join. Use only the vehicle-editor. It ends perhaps in July. Masterpiece got an Sporecast and an info-creature with the same name. Let's go!"

By MarkyDMan

Hey Hawk! I like it :) NOTE: I don't create regularly now, so don't really expect much new!

By BlueDragonic

Cool battlecruiser, the colours and shape look really great. I have rated a few of your creations back on your page, and I am glad your are back. I hope you will have a good time here.

By 95megatron

Nice design...and cool colour! =D


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