Not rated

By Kraznoo82
06/27/2010 - 02:42:09
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.49 (Not rated)
Help liberate a species that has long been oppressed on a cold, frozen world.

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By Kraznoo82
06/27/2010 - 02:42:09
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.49 (Not rated)
Help liberate a species that has long been oppressed on a cold, frozen world.
By CorndogM
Wait, you're in college?! I'm only in 5th grade!
By deadlock1
Wow! Awesome work! Nice work on the music, you sure made the adventure a lot more dramatic with it xD. P.S. Thank you, personally, on all the positive comments! :)
By CorndogM
Loved it! I beat it!
By CorndogM
You made another! Yayyyyyyy!! Can't wait to play it!
By Ducky00
yes, it was the masion gaurds that killed each other
By Ducky00
good adventure but the gaurds attack each other so i failed cause they killed each other pls fix that other than that good job
By llamabd2000
The ice city was awesome with the crystal walls. the octopus looking guys were cool too haha, nice work
By Kraznoo82
Thanks to everyone whose buildings ended up in here! HINT: when you jump over the city wall, aim yourself in the air, and try to land on the ground so you won't get stuck in building walls!