What's Happening(To Me)
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Am I becoming a mutant?Am I dying?HHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!Wait,I am alive!!!And I smell hamburgers and pizza!But where are they?Now I hear a kid crying...but where,WHERE!!!!(dog comes to me)[Hello strange human!]I can understand dogs!!!!!WHERE AM I?
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By shiverbeast
I will defeat you and Elise99!Gregar will aid me in your destruction!!!
By Elise99
No, I won't let you edit ME, but Phenotypical_1 makes templates. You might have to look pretty hard to find them, though.
By snarluafeeder
well thats funny
By Elise99
I can TALK to dogs!!! Yayz.
By Elise99
The creations in my past really aren't as good as the later ones. You know, I growled at my grandma's dog, and she lunged at me.