Press Release

By Vilageidiotx
06/17/2010 - 01:34:19

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: iocun, iocus, oily discharge, vilageidiotx


Im am going to take a break from story driven adventures for just a while and make a Xenoplanet about the Iocus species in which Captain Oily Discharge is.


By Ringeltree

Looking forward to it!

By Damnagoras

That will be your first Xenoplanet, right? That's funny, because I'm working on my first one too. Yours will most likely be a lot better though. Good luck with it :)

By Gakon

I really like your history adventures, I think you should work on more of those.... in my opinion

By hootie880

cool have fun!

By kaleb702

OK, But involve Captain Oily Discharge instead of just mentioning him. Oh, And an idea: Evil aliens trying to make the first -T1 planet or something.

By pwurman

OK. All of your adventures are great, and I don't think that the plot changes it much...

By Rogue697

A Xenoplanet? Awesome!


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