Not rated

By Aragol
06/16/2010 - 17:08:22

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: announcement, aragolga, gkguild


I'm working on an adventure series about the galaxy in ancient times. I need 7 more races with the themes knight, zealot, shaman, wanderer, diplomat, trader, and bard. tag it aragolga and in the description tell the archtype.


By Porter4

Well, I did what you asked and re-outfitted the Zhamos. I also made you the elder.

By Porter4

I made you a zealot race! It's called Zhamos. Just let me know if you want me to make you anything else.

By Mattyboy94

I made the elder! would you like a female too?

By Mattyboy94

Yeah, sure! I'll get started!

By Mattyboy94

I've made the trader! its called Trocklet. just search Trocklet on creation name.

By Mattyboy94

I'm gonna make a trader creature!

By Aragol

i mean i need people to create things that will be used as the first of each archtype!

By NicholasA

For Zelot Green,red,green,red.


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