gimmi a reason y i should stay

By Doom500
06/13/2010 - 19:28:51

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: gaprop, i quit


i'll check my comments in a months time.
if i still have none, i'll leave for ever.


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By Coolman1234

Don't quit. You bought Spore, you would waste money.

By itsglenn

I think you got some comments lol, I commented and now you can quit ha ha ha but seriously just ask some people to check out your stuff, post some of it the forum and it'll help

By Doom500

@bmpalmann - i'll have a look.

By bmpalmann

Check my creation A Little Tip, it's aimed at people who have trouble getting popularity, most the people who've used those tips have reported that they do help.

By YinYangBell

Because you still have the dragon contest going on. Right...?

By DandLProductions

I feel no pity for u.

By awawntoon

you shouldn't quit because you crations are great, you are on the most popular new list !

By awawntoon

please, log in and vote for awawntoon here http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/57894.page

By UltimateZob

Hey... if you don't want to stay, I'm not going to make you. It's just a game, after all. However, you do have some talent...

By Bryan199811

Dont quit! I'm back on! I did quit for a while. But i came back!

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