Waterlock {v2}
Not rated

By Scorpio314
06/09/2010 - 04:11:38

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: factory, flood, industry, machines, puzzles, search, spy


When a factory gets flooded, something's wrong. You've been called in to look for survivors, but beware of dastardly saboteurs, mischevous pirates and people tormenting you for fun! (Requires social, combat and thinking skills.)



By misterhaan

ran out of time looking for the bomb the first time through, but got it the second! i agree with jschwegman's comment that i didn't realize there was a factory entrance on the far side in act 7, just found it by accident. R+

By jschwegman

Those caveats aside, excellent adventure!

By jschwegman

Also, when you reenter the factory in Act 7, I thought the hidden teleporter was too obscure. There is no visual clue on the factory exterior to suggest that there might be an entrance of some sort. I just stumbled on it by accident.

By jschwegman

I do have a couple of suggestions. The first time I played this, the keys on the workbench upstairs had all sunken into the floor (even though you used a disguised gate). On other plays this didn't happen. Not sure if there is a fix here...

By jschwegman

This is a very nice puzzle adventure with a couple of especially ingenious touches: the moving doors effect and the "button" early on (not to give too much away) were very creative ideas. Nice work!

By jschwegman

Thanks! Sorry I haven't had time yet to try Colony Crisis 3 again. I do mean to. I'll give this one a shot too, though as neither of my captains have social skills, I suspect I won't get very far :)

By Scorpio314

Version 2 now has improved puzzles that should be sufficiently challenging, but less...impossible.


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