By odDballL
06/03/2010 - 20:36:05
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.8 (Not rated)
Tags: 5smilerating
Thank you all who have found this to be a worthy idea and for you contributions and support. I have here an update I think you will all like as well. Looks like two of us at the same time thought color coding was a creative idea as well. I just got done with this when I went a looking and found KitWarrior's contribution. Awesome! Now, as to the description of each rating, KitWarrior also had a fantastic simplified suggestion.
1 Worth noticing.
2 Good.
3 Very good.
4 Outstanding!
5 Among the best!
Use Alt + 1(on keypad then release for each one) = ?
In addition here is a thought. The Diamond Star Feature, introduced in the center of it all.
Yup, this was massed down form 30 to 20 within 20 minutes. 5:15PM pst 6-3/ #3 of Top 4 MPN @ 11:055 AM pst 6/4

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By planet-breaker
what if you didnt have a key pad?
By Blaqoon
This idea is much fairer than the one currently in place. Great job :)
By NewBeard
All smile. Happy rating and happy life.
By CloudyVision
The Alt 1 thing isn't working. Do you have a PC because the kind of computer might make a difference.
By QueenBeth
Now that I know what kind of cartoony house you wanted, do you want more or will one do? Will be happy to make whatever you wish.
By QueenBeth
Love the idea. Love the creation.
By BBeast
What is the star for?
By chidog
Nice idea OdDball you got my thumbs up lol!!
By Willam99
Imade a 5 smile rating creature
By Berbert77
( and my english is not so good...)
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