Tar27 Reaper
Not rated
By Slyth33
06/02/2010 - 19:20:03
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)
Tags: slyth33
After nearly dying in a spacecraft accident, Lom Kamaros (Now known as Kamaros Beta) comissioned this ship to replace his destroyed Tar19 Hornet. Kamaros is capable of linking directly to the ship during flight for better control of all onboard systems.
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By smook123
Whoa. Thats awesome!
By Arcesious
Nice. Oh, and on that comment on one of my creations, yes, my creations are very much so inspired by Mon Calamari ships.
By ThanathosNecros
Great texture and color! The design is complexly nice too! R++++++++