For The Greater Good

By Kirbyboy95
05/31/2010 - 01:12:46

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 2.14 (Good)
Tags: assassin, assassination, combat, dananddna, dark, for, good, greater, kirbyboy95, noir, story, the


Your ship has recieved an strange message from a dark planet, asking you to liberate an enslaved people. Prepare to investigate the source of the message, and help those who have suffered in this horrible place. (Huge thanks to dananddna for the buildings)



By Jarlax1e

One of the guards in the final battle thing spawned inside a wall. I could see enough of him to target and attack him, but others might not be able to

By Mudokon117

I went into editor and completed it though, nice job. You here for a while, or is it just for now?

By Mudokon117

Not bad, but one big issue. If you kill the guards before you kill the dictator, you lose. Which I did.

By Mudokon117

And no, it's not because I have no life, I'm just that good. EAT IT!

By Mudokon117

Sorry in advance if I don't respond in a timely manner. While you've been gone, my popularity skyrocketed. I now have over 300 subscribers, and over 600 comments for aprooval.

By Mudokon117



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