The Cold Battle
Not rated

By MetalDragonX
05/31/2010 - 01:13:11

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: brutal, building, camp, factory, ice, lavius, metaldragonx, rashnak, ronaldo, sequel, tigri, valley, war, zent


Help the Zents once again to stand against the Feral on this brutal war.

(Sequel to "Camp Zent"! Bring a tough captain.)
(Report any bugs found to me.)



By Sligs

Hey, I like the series. Make a sequel. Anyway, I started a new short-adventure series about it! Try, and coment on how to improve the series. By the way, I think the feral should have sea and air veacles, and the zents should have some to.Make sporecasts.

By Sligs

Great! Make the sequel soon.


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