ALC - Arken Battle Suit

By odDballL
05/27/2010 - 05:26:01
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 4.09 (Good)
Tags: alc, arken, battle, oddballl, suit
I was once invited to create for the ALC. The Arken Battle Suit was created in honor of that request. I like spending more time creating these days and feel that it has improved the quality of my creations. Thank you everyone for your support and comments. I actually created this while dealing with a pounding headache. Anyway, it may be best viewed in the game browser. Create on people.
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By fmasroor
Check out my new spaceships please? Very nice, but the patterns don't look right...
By axell13
excellent R+
By TheShipBuilder
That is sweet!
By UltimateZob
Great suit... you colored it very well.
By KitWarrior
It pulls in so many different things that come to my mind and yet it all congeals together so well. Coloring, pose, scaling, all very well done. ??????
By MetaBlaziken
By QueenBeth
Awesome! Hope it helped cure your headache!
WOW, if this is what you creat with a headache! Fantastic work!
By Sethan777
WOW! Very nice. You did a great job here. I like the pose a lot. R+
By Ansje
Far much nicer in the editor then on the png picture! Very good paint job and great design :D
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