Piersonnin Factory
Not rated

By Parkaboy
05/19/2010 - 14:11:07
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.58 (Not rated)
Tags: parkaboy, set:piersonnin
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By Parkaboy
05/19/2010 - 14:11:07
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.58 (Not rated)
Tags: parkaboy, set:piersonnin
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By BlueFireComet
Now THAT is cool!
By coffeybeans
@Jeffrey94: You can hold down Ctrl to move parts up and down, everyone knows that, but you can hold down Shift to move parts forwards, backwards, side to side!
By Jeffrey94
By the way, I've had problems with using connectors to rotate the building bits, in that they tend to offset the base, etc. a bit, even when you've got the connector oriented "correctly". Yet everything is lined up perfectly here. How'd you pull that off?
By Jeffrey94
Whoa, something about this building set is just soo trippy! XD I love it!
By Parkaboy
@LordTheo: to tilt a roof part, place it on a connector and tilt the connector instead.
By LordTheo
How did you do the roof shaped things on the side! I gott know!
By puppy13231
By Magikrulz
By Gelatino95
Wow... I love this set... but I couldn't imagine if all the buildings on Earth were the same color as humans!
By MastrCreator115
Very cool building technique.
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