Not rated

By Vilageidiotx
05/10/2010 - 02:08:00

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: ga, rail, railroad, train, vehicle, vilageidiotx


GA vehicle. Designed for attempts to create a "On top of train" fight.


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By kernlsandrs

It would be nice if there was a "follow" function, so we could create separate train cars.

By rosak

wow great idea

By rosak

wow great idea

By Joshua_Hislop

I'm thinking about making a Cataphract in the same Vein as the Knight. Could or would you be able to use it for anything?

By Reyes1

yay a choo choo train!

By Ricco63

wow!!! this is a great idea!

By DizzyBiz

Nice job on this train! R+ Good luck with your Adventure too. Thanks so much for your comment on my Mother's Day gift! :)

By kaleb702

I had a problem with that once though... I guess they fixed it with a patch. Also, Please see my LIFE UPDATE in capital letters.

By kaleb702

If it isn't going to move, Try disguising a game as it, if it is, Add a thing to catch the creatures if they fall.

By Joshua_Hislop

Interesting idea... What for?

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