Number 6
Not rated

By techno605
05/09/2010 - 06:30:18
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: 6, gaprop, number, techno605
Thank you very much for the R+ and comments everybody:).
Some creators weren't very happy about my numbers taking over the MPN, but i'm sure they will get over it... It's been done before... Thanks again:)
Contact us at

By alanw
this has a blue smiley R+
And they blot out the "bacteria" creation with just a mouth on Page 1! So they should look to your creations on the MPN a gift. They brighten the Sporepedia, and for that I thank you!
Taking over? That's great! You're creations are of the few I've seen that are actually MPN worthy.
By furiouscreater62
Well its just that most of yours only has 4,or 5 comments.......
By MinorAnnoyance
Now how did this one end up the least popular? Mysteries...
By Jadynna
By Ringeltree
Making good digits is tough.
By Shadowevolution
Im running out of aspects to comment about. Cool!