Ti-Vodia Scavenger Scrap Tank
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By luckyburdock
05/05/2010 - 15:49:40
Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: diy, katori, medium tank, scavenger, scrap, tank, ti-vodia
The Scavenger is a collective name for any Ti-Vodia tank thrown together in the field out of various wrecks by Ti-Vodia recruits. This one is a combination of a Katori Kakíko and a Katori Vuutiko.
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By luckyburdock
No, I didn't.
By noname117
did you put the vuutiko online?
By Alex27123344
loving the cannon on the side! fantastic detail work on this one
By luckyburdock
Maybe because the Hammer had a similar stocky shape, and when the leech beam was used on an IFV/tengu it could get a machine gun on one side and cannon on the other?
By EchoSierraAlpha
Nice... why doees it remind me of the hammer tank from RA3?
By luckyburdock
They also know that once all the vehicles they brought to the invasion are gone, then Ti-Vodia HG won't provide more for the surviving recruits - so it is especially important for them to make use of anything they can find.
By luckyburdock
Yeah, Ti-Vodia recruits are often know for improving existing Ti-Vodia vehicles or making their own from seemilngly worthless carcasses. This is partly because they bring a lot of spare engines and guns along with each invasion!
By DH106
Well, whoever that was, he was right. These recruits have gotten some expertise in building vehicles - or have they just stumbled upon fitting pieces of scrap? Anyway, a cool tank; especially the right hand gun looks brilliant.
By ZengZicong
love the asymmetry! Good job on the camo and the spinning gun.
By luckyburdock
Someone said I should make more scavengers... So...
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