Swampeon V2
Not rated
By Kunushu
05/03/2010 - 23:17:59
Type: Creature
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: contest, eeveelution, grounded, lucarioguy, template
The Swamp Floor Pokemon Grass/Water Abilty: Dry Skin
Evolves from Eevee upon lvl up in Mud
Swampeon spends most of its time at the bottom of swamps and mud. If some steps on it, their strong poison will break through the skin and cause infection.
DNA points
DNA points
59 Bones | 4 Feet | 0 Hands |
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +0
Health: +0
8 %
8 %
75.48 %
Sociability 13 / 20 | Aggressiveness 6 / 20 | Abilities 1 / 15 |
5 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 1 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 5 / 5 |
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By ThyTombStone
Dude that is pretty sweet, but if i may u shouldve added more detail on the legs and back and less on the chest, otherwise it is so amazing i couldve mistooken it for a friend of mine.
By kuromi8
awesomeness! its so creative!!!! and good!!!! R++++, and i added you too, and thanks so much for the comment!!