Not rated

By Joeycool
04/27/2010 - 15:08:35

Type: Military water vehicle
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: droid, joeycool, mech, mecha, robot, squid, sub, submarine


The existence of this heavy experimental battleship, which is one of the biggest submarines ever built in the galaxy, was denied for years by the Gundam government. Dispatched as legend even by gundam generals, it shocked the galaxy's population as it engaged the Battle of Gundam Prime and sunk the whole enemy fleet by grappling and desintegrating them witch its powerful main weapon system located between the tentacles. In addition, it is armed with several depth charge warhead launchers and hidden proton hammers for surface operations. (Heavily inspired by shattari's newest ships)


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By Bogikoma

Really amazing ship!

By Ivonne

Ist ja total megacool. Auch eine geniale Idee. :-)

By DH106

Das ist so ziemlich die stilvollste Art, ein Schiff zu versenken... einfach mit den Greifarmen packen und unter Wasser ziehen. Sehr schick gemacht.

By Jones221

schöner Kraken...

By HarperSteele

whoah...amazing sip!

By Diebrox

Erinnert mich ein bisschen an den neuen cybran prototypen von supreme commander 2 xD Richtig geil

By felinski

I'm very inspired from Parkaboy's creation's.

By felinski

Joeycool! I can't wait anymore! do something! A house,creature,veachile! Just do something........!!! Nice creature.

By Jakelous

amazing! bin bald wieder dabei!

By BlackBull90

omg das sieht so genial aus man... haste gesehen, ich wurde gefeatured! :D meine flammenwerfer infantrie... ich weiß selbst nich wieso

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