Apocalypse Template
Not rated

By elkku12
04/19/2010 - 17:16:25

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, armaggedon, arnodian, awesome, bilici, black, elkku, elkku12, epic, gloomy, grey, grimbot, guns, merc, mutation, nikolai, scorpion, scum, stratosdrache, sun, survival, survivor, template, weapons


Yeah I'ma just leave this here. Write in comments for requests for new templates, and make sure to write down anything I need to improve upon!



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By bodyman45

Like the inside of Tol-20.

By bodyman45

Can you make a Arnodian Ship Interior template? I need it for a new series.

By solarson

Can you make a medival joust thing?Oh and make on called sir vivor(haha!funny.)

By crossbones477

can you make a cool future city template

By CloudyVision

@daceth: Well, guess what? I beat your time by 7 seconds! :)

By jim1730

I died twice, failed automatically once, this mission sucks

By PLawrence

go to the "serch online" tab and serch funtoo

By PLawrence

if you make me a millitary outpost based on some creations i made with the tag funtoo, i will give you credit on the adventure, and promote your adventures.

By daceth

I know the secret to get past this adventure.

By daceth

HA! RLOUGHEED! I made 1st! YOU HEAR ME? 1ST! And if anyone beats my high score I reclaim my title!

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