knit planet template
Not rated

By flont
04/12/2010 - 21:29:03

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.25 (Not rated)
Tags: knitwars, template


a template for knit planets



By Dreadfang012


By AAM98

AlienScan: No, you can just make a planet and save, no objectives. =)

By AlienScan

how do you make a template can't you just make a planet and save or do you have to add and objective to save? please respond

By Cocoa0301

An Excellent Planet Template!

By Uranus9

Yes, you may turn my proton into an electron. I would suggest changing the color and also making it smaller.

By UnitX19

Flont (both of you) I have made a knit UX adventure with your creations in it :D Look for my SC to download it "KNIT UX" is the sporecast name!


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