Brain Teaser
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By Jangokenobi
03/31/2010 - 19:43:19
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: sjpuzzlecontest
Kind of a play on words. You are trapped in a building made of INDESTRUCTIBLE metal. All you have to get out is a dresser, a mirror, and a bottle of glue. How do you get out? Creation doesn't matter. EDIT: Also there are no doors or windows, and the roof is firmly attatched.
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By MiddleD
first you look into the mirror, you see what you saw, you take out the saw, then you saw the table in half, glue the 2 halves back together, 2 halves is one whole, then you jump out the hole.
By ryky714
Id look in the mirror.Id see what i saw.take the saw and cut the dresser in half,then glue them together.Two halves make a whole.So id climb out the whole(hole,whole,get it?)and run around yelling "IM FREE!!!!!IM FREE!!!!!!!"
By JoeyJim
You look in the mirror. You see what you saw. You take the saw cut the dresser in half. Glue them together. To halves make a whole. You climb out the whole(hole) and get out.
By TheGalaxy
Get a mirror, glue it on the inside of the dresser door, and walk till i was outside...
By jcoolness
break the mirror. use the glass to start digging through the steel. (yes eventually you will get through;) then use the a wood plank from the dresser to to dig through the dirt. use the glue and th rest of the wood to support the weight until you get throu
By Nathontue
By Coolman1234
If it was password activated, I would grind a shard of glass and try to use it to see fingerprints on the keypad.Once out, I would try to find a road. I would also see were I am, and report it to the police. Then I would ask for a plane ticket back home.
By Coolman1234
was underground, I would either dig out a tunnle, or if it was farther underground, I would search for an elevator or lift. If they are activated by fingerprint or face, I would knock a guard out with the wood from the mirror and use him to get out. Cont>
By Coolman1234
If I had not gotten out outside the room, I would have broken the window and used the sharp glass to cut lockpicks from the wood and frame. I could also use it as a weapon. I would try to find a way out of whatever facility I was trapped in. If it Cont>
By Coolman1234
I'd get the dresser, and try to find an air vent. There would likely be one. Climb up on the dresser, and go up to the vent. I'd take the vent down, and glue it back so none could follow me. I'd crawl through the air vent until I found a way out. Cont>
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