Epic Mickey
Not rated

By AapBurger
03/30/2010 - 01:27:53
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: dead, deceased, mickey, mouse
The epicness of that mouse eventually got to him. I just like that mouse so much. :p
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By MTHur
Well... The face is creepy... And he seems depressed... xD
By InvaderKezz123
ooh can i have his liver!!! Regenald:" No dont give that to him hes just going to eat it and giglle about it while rolling araound in a pit of powderd tires...Tootle Pip!!!
By glerk78
oh crud what stinks? oh it's him after 2 years what do you expect
By flumpytripod
By flumpytripod
haha R
By Duhplantman
Also the pentagram fits perfect in Mickey's head...I think it not coincidence.
By Duhplantman
If the Nazi's won the war we would live in Disneyland...Zing hi..don't forget to smile while you take over those young minds.
By Duhplantman
I've always wondered why the upside down pentagram fits so well in Mickey's head...things that make you go hmmm.
By Duhplantman
I don't think Disney hated all jews just the ones that were of religion not of blood...many people don't understand that the real jews wanted hitler to do what he did.
By Duhplantman
This creation reminds me of why I subscribed to you lol. ;) Great stuff...Disney is satan if there is one.
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